dilluns, 23 de març del 2009


I was craving for chocolates and stepping out to a nearby convenience store.
The sun was already coming out…
you knoooow, I hear this sky goes on miles and miles and miles away from here.
That meeeeeaaans,
this sky is connected to the countries I went during the tour
and the place you are reading this blog right now…
I was gazing up at the sky thinking of such a thing.
buuuuuuuuuut, it was just freezing and snapped me back to reality in two minutes.
It was such a penetrating blue sky
Will it be sunny today as it is?
Alrighty,made my mind.
decided the title of the next single.
I haven’t told anyone yet.
not gonna tell aaaaaanyone just yet

aquesta és una de les poques vegades que en Maya ha escrit al blog de LM.C
i no sé per què, però realment em va agradar i em va fer somriure.


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